
Thursday, 9 June 2016

Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas (PURA)

Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas (PURA)
I. Objective / purpose
Vision / Mission Statement
Holistic and accelerated development of compact areas around a potential growth centre in a Gram
Panchayat (or a group of Gram Panchayats) through Public Private Partnership (PPP) framework for
providing livelihood opportunities and urban amenities to improve the quality of life in rural areas.
Brief history
In pursuance to the announcement of Prime Minister on Independence Day, 2003, the Planning
Commission submitted a proposal for approval of the Government to implement PURA scheme. The
scheme was approved by the Government in „in-principle‟ in January 2004. Subsequently, MoRD
implemented the PURA scheme on a pilot basis in seven clusters for a period of three years (2004-
05 to 2006-07). It was approved with retrospective effect by the Cabinet in its meeting on 16.03.06
with the direction to restructure the PURA scheme. The pilot phase of PURA was evaluated by
National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD). Based on the experience learnt during the pilot
phase, evaluation conducted by NIRD of pilot phase and the technical support of Asian
Development Bank (ADB), the PURA scheme has been restructured. The restructured PURA
scheme has been approved by the Government for implementation on a pilot basis during the 11th
five year plan.
(i) Laying of policy guidelines
(ii) Selection of private developers for implementation of the scheme
(iii) Release of funds to the DRDAs
(iv) iv) Monitoring and evaluation of performance
Main activities / functions
Formulation of policy guidelines, release of funds under PURA scheme, selection of private
developers and its monitoring and evaluation.
List of services being with a brief write – up on them
 Formulation of guidelines for implementation of
PURA scheme.
 Evaluation and approval of Detailed Project Report
 Release of funds to DRDAs
 Convening the meeting of Project Screening and Monitoring Committee (PSMC) Inter –
Ministerial Empowered Committee (EC) Central Level for approving the projects
 Monitoring / Evaluations
 Grievance redressal mechanism
Organizational Structure Diagram at various levels namely State, directorate, region, district,
block etc
Expectation of the public authority from the public for enhancing its effectiveness and
To access the disclosures made in the public domain and to bring to notice any deviation from stated
Arrangements and methods made for seeking public participation / contribution
Stakeholders are consulted on policy matters through meetings, conferences and written
correspondence etc.
Mechanism available for monitoring the services delivery and public grievance resolution
IT based Monitoring and evaluation mechanism, Right to Information Act, 2005.
Besides, in order to ensure proper monitoring and supervision of performance by the Private
Developer, an Independent Engineer will be provided to the PURA cluster of Gram Panchayat
(s) to supervise and monitor performance during the project life cycle.
II. Please provide details of the powers and duties of officers and employees of the organization
I. Laying of policy guidelines
II. Issue Expression of Interest (EoI) for selection for Private Developer
III. Release of funds to the DRDAs which will further release the funds to private developer
after completing necessary formalities
IV. Monitoring and evaluation of performance
Project Screening and Monitoring CommitteeResponsible
for monitoring of progress of sanctioned
Inter Ministerial Empowered Committee –
To approve the project proposals and approve the different
stages of project transaction
District level Committee under the chairmanship of
District Magistrate for local level monitoring and grievance
III. Please provide list of rules, regulations, instructions, manual and records, held by public
authority or under its control or used by its employees for discharging functions as per the
following format. This format has to be filled for each type of document
Files, audit reports, copy of the Concession Agreement and State Support Agreement, Scheme
guidelines, program implementation plans
Name /Title of document Scheme guidelines
Type of document
Choose one of the types given below (Rules,
Regulations, Instructions, manual, Records,
Brief write-up on the document Based on Ministry of Rural Development‟s
extensive consultations with various stakeholders
including the States Government, departments /
ministries and in consultation with Asian
Development Bank, the guidelines for PURA
scheme have been prepared. The guidelines are
an operating manual for the government and
other stakeholders. It also provides the road map
for fund disbursal, grievance redressal and
dispute resolution, etc.
From where one can get a copy of rules,
regulations, instructions, manual and records
PURA Section,
Ministry of Rural Development,
R. No. 561, Hotel Samrat, Chankyapuri,
New Delhi – 110 021.
Besides, it is also available on the website.
Fee charged by the department for a copy of
rules, regulations, instructions, manual and
records (if any)
No Fee
IV. Whether there is any provision to seek consultation / participation of public or its
representatives for formulation of policies? If there is, please provide details of such policy in
following format
Subject / Topic Is it mandatory to
ensure public
participation (yes/no)
Arrangements for seeking public
1 Policy matters
relating to PURA
PURA policy matters are considered in
consultation with the stakeholders i.e. the
different Departments / Ministries, States /
UTs, etc through meetings and written
V. Use the format given below to give the information about the official documents. Also mention
the place where the documents are available e.g. at secretariat level, directorate level, others
(Please mention the level in place of writing “Others”)
Category of the
Name of the document Procedure to obtain
the document
Held under
custody of
1 Scheme
Provision of Urban
Amenities in Rural Areas
(PURA) – a Public Private
Partnership (PPP) Scheme
Available in PURA
Section as well as on
the website
Ministry of
VI. Please provide information on Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies related to the
public authority in the following format.
Name and address of the Affiliated Body
Type of Affiliated Body (Board, Council,
Committees, Other Bodies)
Inter-Ministerial Empowered Committee (EC)
Project Screening and Monitoring Committee
Brief introduction of the Affiliated Body
(Establishment Year, Objective/Main Activities)
EC and PSMC have been constituted in May
2010. The EC shall give approval to different
stages of project transaction and take all decisions
incidental to the project. The PSMC shall examine
and evaluate the responses to EoI, proposals
including Concept Plans submitted in response to
RFPs and the DPRs prepared by Private
Developers. The PSMC shall also be responsible
for monitoring of progress of sanctioned projects.
Role of Affiliated Body (Advisory/Managing/
Advisory, Managing and Executive.
Structure and Member Composition The composition of EC and given below.
Head of the Body EC is headed by Secretary (RD) and PSMC is
headed by Joint Secretary in charge of PURA
Address and main office and its Branches Ministry of Rural Development,
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
PURA Division is housed at
Room No. 561,
th Floor, Hotel Samrat,
New Delhi – 110 017.
Frequency of Meetings As required.
Can public participate in the meetings? No
Are minutes of the meetings prepared? Yes
Not Applicable.
The composition of Inter-Ministerial Empowered Committee (EC) and Project Screening and
Monitoring Committee (PSMC) is as follows:-
Inter-Ministerial Empowered Committee (EC)
i. Secretary, Rural Development - Chairperson
ii. Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs / or representative not below the rank of Joint
Secretary - Member
iii. Secretary, Planning Commission / or representative not below the rank of Joint Secretary -
iv. Secretary, Drinking Water Supply / or representative not below the rank of Joint Secretary –
v. Secretary, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy / or representative not below the rank of
Joint Secretary – Member
vi. Secretary, Power / or representative not below the rank of Joint Secretary – Member
vii. Secretary, Ministry of Panchayati Raj / or representative not below the rank of Joint Secretary
– Member
viii. Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs, / or representative not below the rank of Joint
Secretary – Member
ix. Additional Secretary and Financial Advisor, MoRD – Member
x. Principal Secretary / Secretary, Rural Development of the concerned State Government –
xi. Joint Secretary (PURA), Department of Rural Development - Member Convener
Project Screening and Monitoring Committee (PSMC)
i. Joint Secretary, Deptt. of Rural Development: – Chairperson
ii. Representative of Department of Economic Affairs – Member
iii. Representative of Planning Commission – Member
iv. Representative of Department of Drinking Water Supply – Member
v. Representative of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy – Member
vi. Representative of Ministry of Power – Member
vii. Representative of Ministry of Panchayati Raj – Member
viii. Representative of the concerned State Government – Member
ix. Director (PURA) – Member Convener
VII. Please provide contact information about the Public Information Officers, Assistant Public
Information Officers and Departmental Appellate Authority of the Public Authority.
Designation &
Address of CPIO
Phone No.
Fax No.
Appellate Authority
Name, Designation, Address
Phone No.E-Mail
Under Secretary (PURA)
5th Floor Samrat Hotel,
New Delhi
011-24673554 Shri. B.S. Negi,
Director (Admn.,UNDP, IC)
Krishi Bhawan,
New Delhi
011- 23386231
VIII. What is the procedure followed to take a decision for various matters
The restructured PURA Scheme is being implemented on pilot basis under the framework of Public
Private Partnership (PPP). A Project Screening and Monitoring Committee (PSMC) has been
constituted under the chairpersonship of Joint Secretary (PURA) to examine and evaluate the
Expression of Interest (EoIs), proposals including Concept Plans submitted in response to Request
for Proposal (RfPs) and the Detailed Project Report (DPRs) prepared by Private Developers. PSMC
is also responsible for monitoring of progress of sanctioned projects. An Inter-Ministerial
Empowered Committee (EC) has been constituted under the chairpersonship of Secretary (RD) for
approving the project proposals. The EC shall give approval to different stages of project transaction
and take all decisions incidental to the project.
Besides, decisions are taken on file by competent authority as per delegated authority.
IX. What are the documented procedures/laid down procedures/Defined criteria/Rules to arrive at
a particular decision matters? What are different levels through which a decision process
Guidelines of the PURA Scheme
S.O - US - DS / Director - JS - Secretary
Project Screening and Monitoring Committee (PSMC) and Inter – Ministerial Empowered
Committee (EC)
X. What are the arrangements to communicate the decision to the public?
Website of this Ministry (
XI. Who are the offices at various levels whose opinions are sought for the process of decision
State Rural Development Departments and concerned Private Developer
XII. Who is the final authority that vets the decision?
Minister for Rural Development
XIII. Please provide information separately in the following format for the important matters on
which the decision is taken by the public authority.
1 Subject on which the
decision is to be taken
Not applicable.
Guidelines / Directions,
if any
Process of Execution
XIV. Directory of officers and Employees
Given under chapter heading “Directory of Officers”
XV. Please provide information about the details of the budget for different activities under
different schemes in the given format
The budgetary provision of PURA Scheme is as follows:-
2010 – 12 (BE): 124.00 crore
2010 – 12 (RE): 74.00 crore
2011 – 12 (BE): 100.00 crore
XVI. The manner of Execution of Subsidy Programmes. Please provide the information as per the
following format
No subsidy is being provided under PURA Scheme.
S.No. Items
1 Name of the Programme/Scheme
2 Duration of the Programme/Scheme
3 Objective of the Programme
4 Physical and financial targets of the
programme (for the last year)
5 Eligibility of beneficiary
6 Pre – requisites for the benefit
7 Procedure to avail the benefits of the
8 Criteria for deciding eligibility
9 Detail of the benefits given in the
programme (also mention the amount
of subsidy or other help given)
10 Procedure for the distribution of the
11 Where to apply or whom to contact
in the office for applying
12 Application fee (where applicable)
13 Application format (where
applicable. If the application is made
on plain paper please mention it
along with what the applicant should
mention in the application)
14 List of attachments
15 Format of attachements
16 Where to contact in case of process
related complaints
17 Details of available fund (At various
levels like District level, Block level
XVII. Particulars of Recipients of concessions, permits or authorization granted by it. Please provide
the information as per the following format.
PURA scheme is to be implemented under the framework of Public Private Partnership (PPP). The
scope of the scheme is to select private partners to develop livelihood opportunities, urban amenities
and infrastructure facilities and to be responsible for maintenance of the same for a period of 10
years in selected Panchayats / cluster of Panchayats. A Concession Agreement will be signed
between the Gram Panchayat as the Grantor and the private developer as the concessionaire. It shall
include details of minimum service level standards, performance guarantees, etc. State Support
Agreement will be signed between Ministry of Rural Development, State Government and private
developer. The commitment of State Government for delivering the core facilities like roads, bulk
water and power to the PURA area shall be made as part of this agreement. At present, Ministry of
Rural Development is in the process of selecting private developer for implementing the scheme.
After completing the process, details of developers will be placed on the website.
Items Remarks
1 Name of the programme Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas
(PURA) Scheme
2 Type
3 Objective To implement PURA Scheme
4 Targets set (for the last year) No target was set for last year as the scheme was
not implemented last year.
5 Eligibility The concession agreement and State support
Agreement are yet to be executed. After
execution of these agreements, the details will be
6 Criteria for the eligibility
7 Pre – requisites
8 Procedure to avail the benefits
9 Time limit for the Concession/Permits
/ Authorization
10 Application Fee (Where applicable)
11 Application format (where applicable)
12 List of attachments
13 Format of attachments
XVIII. Please provide the details of the Norms/Standards set by the Department for execution of
various activities / programmes.
The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of submission
Type of Cases Final Level of
Channel of submission above the
Section Level
I Policy Matters M(RD) US-Director/DS -JS-SecretaryM(RD)
II Parliament Matter
1. Starred Question M(RD) US-Director/DS -JS-SecretaryM(RD)
2. Unstarred Question MOS US-Director/DS -JS-MOS.
3. Assurance-Implementation MOS US-Director/DS -JS-MOS.
4. Material asked for by other
Director US/Director/DS / Joint Secretary
5. Material to Lok Sabha/Rajya
Sabha Secretariat. For deciding
admissibility of Questions
Joint Secretary US-Director/DS -JS.
III VIP References M(RD) US-Director-JS-Secretary-M(RD)
IV Matters relating to Committee
Parliamentary Standing
Secretary US-Director-JS - Secretary.
2. Performance Budget Secretary US-Director/DS -JS-Secretary.
3. Cabinet Note Cabinet US-Director/DS -JS-SecretaryM(RD)-Cabinet
V Guidelines
1. Formulation and modification
of Guidelines on the
Schemes/Programmes relating
to PURA Scheme
M(RD) US-Director/DS -JS-SecretaryM(RD)
2. Clarification on Guidelines /
JS US-Director/DS -JS.
VI Monitoring JS US-Director/DS -JS.
VII Holding of Review meetings Joint Secretary US-Director/DS -JS.
VIII Budget
1. Budget Allocation from
Planning Commission
Joint Secretary US-Director/DS -JS.
2. Reply to Audit Objections JS US-Director/DS -JS.
3. Allocation of funds to States JS US-Director/DS -JS.
IX Release of fund
Release of fund As per provisions
contained in the
US – Director/DS – JS in
consultation with Finance Division
XIX. Please provide the details of the information related to the various schemes which are available
in the electronic format
Under PURA Scheme, guidelines and other related documents are available on website of the
ministry ( in electronic form.
XX. Means, methods or facilitation available to the public which are adopted by the department
for dissemination of information.
Awareness generation through intensive IEC activities using electronic media, print, press
advertisements, workshops, outdoor through DAVP and interpersonal communication through DFP
and S&DD have been taken up.
XXI. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Question 1 What is PURA?
Answer Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas (PURA) is a Central Sector scheme re-launched
by Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Government of India during remaining period of
the XI Plan with support from Department of Economic Affairs and the technical assistance
of Asian Development Bank. MoRD intends to implement the PURA scheme under a Public
Private Partnership (PPP) framework between Gram Panchayat(s) and private sector
partners. The scheme envisages twinning of rural infrastructure development with
economic re-generation activities and is the first attempt at delivering a basket of
infrastructure and amenities through PPP in the rural areas. It is an effort to provide a
different framework for the implementation of rural infrastructure development schemes
and harness private sector efficiencies in the management of assets and delivery of
services. This would perhaps be the first such attempt at PPP in integrated rural
infrastructure development and management in the world.
Question 2 What is the objective of PURA scheme?
Answer The primary objectives of the scheme are the provision of livelihood opportunities and
urban amenities in rural areas to bridge the rural – urban divide.
Question 3 What is the mission of PURA scheme?
Answer Holistic and accelerated development of compact areas around a potential growth centre
in a Gram Panchayat (or a group of Gram Panchayats) through Public Private Partnership
(PPP) framework for providing livelihood opportunities and urban amenities to improve
the quality of life in rural areas.
Question 4 What are the features of PURA scheme?
Answer The objectives of PURA are proposed to be achieved under the framework of Public Private
Partnership between Gram Panchayats and private sector partner with active State
Government support. Core funding shall be sourced from the Central Sector scheme of
PURA and complemented by additional support through convergence of different Central
Government schemes. The private sector shall also bring on board its share of investment
besides operational expertise. The scheme would be implemented and managed by the
private sector on considerations of economic viability but designed in a manner whereby it
is fully aligned with the overall objective of rural development.
Question 5 What are the urban amenities proposed under PURA scheme?
Answer An illustrative list of amenities and economic activities proposed to be provided under
PURA are as follows:-
Question 6 Need for restructured PURA scheme despite a number of other ongoing schemes –
Answer It is believed that a scheme like PURA wherein all related schemes for rural infrastructure
are being converged for a synchronized delivery for a period of 10 years in project mode
shall maximize socio-economic impact. Besides, minimum development obligations by the
private developer will enable improved quality of service delivery in the Panchayat area.
Question 7 How have the Gram Panchayat(s) been chosen for PURA?
Answer In the pilot phase, the private developer is given flexibility to identify and select the Gram
Panchayat for undertaking PURA projects based on their familiarity with the area or past
experience of working at the grassroots level. However, as the consent of the concerned
Panchayats and no objection from the state governments are mandatory, the selection
would reflect the concurrence of all the stakeholders.
Amenities to be provided
under MoRD Schemes
Amenities to be
provided under NonMoRD
Add-on Projects (Revenue
earning, people centric
1. Water and Sewerage
2. Construction and
maintenance of Village
3. Drainage
4. Solid Waste Management
5. Skill Development
6. Development of Economic
7. Village Street Lighting
8. Telecom
9. Electricity, etc.
10. Village linked tourism
11. Integrated Rural Hub, Rural
12. Agri – Common Services
Centre, Warehousing, etc.
13. Any other rural-economy
based project
Question 8 How have the Private Developers been chosen for implementation of PURA scheme?
Answer The selection has been done through an open competitive technical bidding process with
rigorous qualification and evaluation criteria. As these are pilot projects, therefore, there
has been no financial bidding. In the pilot projects the bidders have been evaluated on
their technical capability and assigned scores as per pre-approved evaluation methodology.
Question 9 What is the funding source for PURA scheme?
Answer Funding for projects under PURA scheme may come from four sources: MoRD schemes,
non-MoRD schemes, private financing and Capital Grant under PURA.
Question 10 How shall the cost of a PURA project and the capital grant be determined?
Answer Each individual PURA project cost and the eligible capital grant (subject to a maximum of
35% of project cost) shall be determined on the basis of a Concept Plan and Detailed
Project Report that would be appraised and approved by an inter-Ministerial Empowered
Committee for the purpose.
Question 11 Is PURA viable for a private developer?
Answer It is expected that the additional revenue generating activities and the capital grant
support shall successfully enable a viable PPP in the scheme. Mapping of different risks
along with mitigation measures has been attempted. Along with emphasis upon rural
development priorities, there shall be an effort to dovetail developers’ perspective on an
economically viable project. The way project design has been done, the private developer
should make requisite profit during the project life cycle of 10 years.
Question 12 Is this model of PURA upscalable?
Answer Through the implementation of proposed pilot projects, the unique features of this scheme
could be tested on the ground and provide lessons for upscaling in future. Besides, the
entire process shall help strengthen the institutional ability of a Gram Panchayat to
undertake PPP and help pilot-test the viability of PPPs in rural infrastructure development.
However, as far as funding and management of PURA projects across all the 2,50,000
Panchayats in the country is concerned, it is upscalable and financially affordable for the
Government over a period of 5-10 years horizon.
XXII. Related to seeking information with relation to training imparted to public.
Items Remarks
1 Name of training programme with brief description Not Applicable
2 Time period for training programme/Scheme
3 Objective of training
4 Physical and Financial targets (Last year)
5 Eligibility for training
6 Pre – requisite for training (if any)
7 Description of help (Mention the amount of Financial
help, if any)
8 Procedure of giving help
9 Contact information for applying
10 Application fee (where applicable)
11 Other fees (where applicable)
12 Application form (Incase the application is made on
plain paper please mention the details which the
applicant has to provide)
13 List of enclosures / documents
14 Format of enclosures / documents
15 Procedure of application
16 Process followed in the Public Authority after the
receipt of application
17 Normal time taken for issuance of certificate
18 Validity period of certificate (If applicable)
19 Process of renewal (if any)
20 Selection procedure
21 Time table of training programme (in case available)
22 Process to inform the trainee about the training
23 Arrangement made by the public authority for
creating public awareness about the training
24 List of beneficiary of the training programme at
various levels like district level, block level etc.

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